You can use models you have on your computer or view ones in their library. Windows 10 has a 3D Viewer now which also lets you view 3D models on your computer without needing complicated software to do so. You could practice drawing from different angles by rotating the model and if you press ALT and left click drag left/right you can change the light direction on models as well. Useful on rainy days or if you don’t have access to a real model to study from. Just browsing Sketchfab might inspire you to try drawing lots of different things from different angles. I will list and discuss some ways 3D art software could be helpful and I’ll give you some links at the end of the article which you might find useful. I won’t go into technical details of how to do anything. This article will discuss some ways 3D art software can be used for 2D artists and Illustrators. If you open your mind to the possibilities of a hybrid creation approach with 3D and 2D you may come up with all sorts of creative ideas you may not have thought of before. Artists usually start out by drawing from life models and landscapes or make art sculpture in the real world. 3D software can be useful for the digital 2D painter, illustrator, designer or concept artist.